JURNAL TEKNOSAINS KODEPENA 2024-02-27T11:01:36+00:00 Rachmasari Pramita Wardhani, S.T, M.M Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Teknosains Kodepena ( Kodepena Journal of Technoscience)</p> <p>E-Issn : 2745-438X |&nbsp;P-Issn : 2745-6129</p> <p>Publish on&nbsp; January and August.</p> <p>Scope : Technique, Science, Technology, Environtment, Energy, Information Technology.&nbsp;</p> Analisa % FFA, PH dan Massa Jenis pada Campuran Minyak Jelantah dan Minyak Kelapa 2024-01-31T04:36:08+00:00 Ariyani Debora Megawati Eka Yuniarti <p><em>The increase in population and increasing human needs along with the times has resulted in an increasing need for non-renewable energy. To reduce dependence on petroleum fuels, one way is to produce biodiesel fuel whose raw materials are obtained from plants. Biodiesel is a fuel that contains ester compounds from plants and animal fats and can be used as an alternative fuel with great potential as a substitute for diesel. This form of methyl ester or ethyl ester compound is environmentally friendly, non-toxic and economical. Coconut (Cocos nucifera) is a type of plant that has one glycerin unit and a number of fatty acids in every coconut oil molecule. Coconut oil has the potential to produce Coco methyl ester which can be used as a raw material for biodiesel. Used cooking oil is used oil from household (domestic) fryers whose remaining frying results or waste is immediately thrown into the environment. According to research from Kumar, the use of coconut oil as a raw material for making biodiesel is able to streamline time and the use of chemicals as solvents in the transesterification process. Before carrying out this research, a preliminary test should be carried out, by testing the %FFA, pH and density of the mixture of used cooking oil and coconut oil. This was done as a reference for further research. The %FFA in the mixture of used cooking oil and coconut oil was the highest at a ratio of 75: 25 (MJ: MK) %FFA value: 4.4%. The pH of the mixture between used cooking oil and coconut oil has the same value, namely: 5 and the specific gravity obtained is: 0.8 gram/ml</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> of used cooking oil, coconut oil, % FFA, pH and Specific gravity</em></p> 2024-01-31T04:33:46+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL TEKNOSAINS KODEPENA Analisis Kandungan Faty Acid Metil Ester (Fame) Pada Biosolar B30 Dengan Metode Fourier Transform Infrared (Ftir) Studi Kasus Laboratorium PT. X. 2024-01-31T08:41:10+00:00 Eka Megawati Apriliya Prastika Anggraini Resmihadi Debora Ariyani <p><em>The continuous and increasing use of fuel, causing depleting and non-renewable petroleum reserves, has the potential to cause an economic crisis in the future. With the current depletion of petroleum reserves, it can encourage efforts to find alternative fuels. Biodiesel is a type of alternative fuel that is environmentally friendly and can be renewed because it is made from vegetable oil (biodiesel) mixed with diesel oil. This research was conducted to determine the specifications for the content of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) in biodiesel B30 using the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) method produced at the Laboratory of PT. X. The results of the analysis of the Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) content of BioSolar B30 products at PT. X on March 25, 2021, the fame earned 30%, on April 7, 2021 the FAME content obtained 29% met the specifications (On Specifications) stipulated by the Decree of the Director General of Oil and Gas SK No. 146.K/10/DJM/2020</em><em>.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>B30, FAME, Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR)</em></p> 2024-01-31T08:41:09+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL TEKNOSAINS KODEPENA Teknik Pengendalian Mutu Dengan Menggunakan Metode Diagram Pareto Dalam mencapai Customer Satisfaction 2024-02-01T10:40:33+00:00 Rachmasari Pramita Wardhani Lukman Selvia Sarungu Siti Norhidayah <p><em>Graphic analysis tools and methods are very useful tools that can help quality managers shed light on developing problems and one that has an important role in control engineering methods is the Pareto Diagram, a simple chart that can provide actionable insight into how prioritize quality management resources that are maintained or improved. In the world of service-based work, this Pareto diagram is used to determine the level of importance that must be prioritized for improvements. The object of writing this scientific work is to examine how customer service from a company operating in the service sector achieves customer satisfaction. It is not easy for companies in the service sector to achieve customer satisfaction. There are various complaints that must be accommodated and considered in order to provide solutions so that the maximum level of customer trust is achieved.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong>K</strong><strong>eywords: </strong><em>Pareto, Quality, Satisfaction, Service, Control</em></p> 2024-02-01T07:15:35+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL TEKNOSAINS KODEPENA Metode Simple Additive Weighting Dalam Pengukuran Prestasi Karyawan 2024-02-26T14:06:48+00:00 Fahrullah Fahrullah Muhammad Syahnur Yepa Bintan <p>Employees in an organization or company are an important asset in addition to other resources. Having employees who are highly dedicated will certainly greatly affect the continuity and progress of the company, especially in the face of global competition, of course, employees who are ready to face it are needed. PT. Nagabhuana Group Unit 7 Samarinda, which is a growing company, has prepared all of this, one of which is by boosting employee motivation by giving awards to employees with the best performance in the form of bonuses, incentives and certificates of appreciation. To be able to make an objective and more accurate assessment, of course, a decision support system is needed that can help overcome these problems. By using the Simple Additive Weighting Method (SAW) the HRD manager of PT. Nagabhuana can be helped in determining the best employees in his company, the results obtained from the calculation of the Simple Additive Weighting Method are very fast and precise so that it can minimize errors that can certainly harm employees</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL TEKNOSAINS KODEPENA Pengaplikasian Sistem Rumah Pintar pada Rumah Tinggal 2024-02-26T14:02:52+00:00 Erwin Herlian Adenimas Putri Wardani <p>The concept of smart homes has revolutionized the way we interact with our living spaces, offering a myriad of benefits ranging from enhanced convenience to improved energy efficiency and security. This paper provides a overview of smart home technologies, their applications, and their impact on modern living. Firstly, we delve into the underlying principles of smart home systems, which typically integrate Internet of Things (IoT) devices, sensors, actuators, and connectivity solutions to create interconnected ecosystems. Secondly, we focus on the functionalities offered by smart home technologies. Advanced features such automatic lighting and security control. These features optimize user needs and experiences before built. Additionally, we address the challenges and considerations inherent in adopting smart home technologies, such as interoperability issues, privacy concerns, cybersecurity risks, and the digital divide. Effective deployment and integration strategies, along with robust privacy and security measures, are crucial for ensuring the reliability, scalability, and user acceptance of smart home ecosystems. In conclusion, the evolution of smart home technologies continues to redefine the way we inhabit and interact with our living spaces. As these systems become increasingly sophisticated and ubiquitous, they hold the potential to not only enhance our quality of life but also contribute to a more sustainable and connected future.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL TEKNOSAINS KODEPENA Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian Berbasis Web Studi Kasus PT. Indoflora Cipta Mandiri Malang 2024-02-26T14:08:10+00:00 Leonardo Steven Wijaya Soetam Rizky Wicaksono <p>PT. Indoflora Cipta Mandiri adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri produksi agar-agar dan karagenan. Perusahaan ini menghadapi tantangan dalam mengelola data kepegawaian secara efisien di divisi marketing, yang saat ini masih mengandalkan proses manual. Proses manual ini menyebabkan ketidakefisienan dalam pencatatan data pelamar, data pegawai, absensi, penggajian, dan penilaian kinerja karyawan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Waterfall. Pendekatan Waterfall mencakup langkah-langkah analisis kebutuhan, desain sistem dan perangkat lunak, implementasi, dan pengujian sistem. Melalui metode ini, peneliti berhasil merancang dan membangun Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian yang dapat membantu divisi marketing PT. Indoflora Cipta Mandiri dalam mengelola data kepegawaian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi sistem informasi kepegawaian membawa dampak positif bagi perusahaan. Efisiensi dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia meningkat, transparansi data dapat terpantau dengan lebih baik, dan pengambilan keputusan menjadi lebih tepat dan cepat. Dengan demikian, penggunaan teknologi informasi dalam pengelolaan kepegawaian membantu meningkatkan produktivitas.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL TEKNOSAINS KODEPENA Pemanfaatan Minyak Goreng Bekas Menjadi Biodiesel Dengan Arang Aktif Kulit Pisang Kepok Sebagai Adsorben yang Diaktivasi Menggunakan NaOH 2024-02-27T11:01:36+00:00 Irma Andrianti Supriyadi <p>Pengolahan minyak goreng bekas menjadi biodiesel merupakan salah satu alternatif yang perlu dikaji dalam pemanfaatan minyak goreng bekas<br>agar tidak menjadi limbah. Dalam pembuatan biodiesel dari minyak goreng bekas, diperlukan kualitas minyak goreng dengan angka asam kurang dari 1%. Salah satu cara untuk menurukan angka asam adalah dengan proses adsorbsi menggunakan arang aktif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh adsorbsi minyak jelantah dengan menggunakan kulit pisang kepok pada pembuatan biodiesel dari minyak goreng bekas, dan untuk mengetahui karakteristik biodiesel yaitu angka asam, titik nyala, massa jenis, viskositas dan gliserol bebas dari biodiesel yang dihasilkan dengan bahan dasar minyak goreng bekas yang dibuat dengan proses transesterifikasi dengan proses adsorbsi arang aktif kulit pisang kapok terlebih dahulu. Pemanfaatan minyak goreng bekas sebagai bahan dasar untuk membuat biodiesel berhasil dilakukan. Minyak goreng bekas yang akan dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan dasar biodiesel sebelumnya dilakuka pra – treatment berupa proses adsorbsi menggunakan arang aktif kulit pisang kapok. Semakin lama waktu yang digunakan untuk proses adsorbsi minyak goreng bekas menggunakan arang aktif akan semakin baik hasilnya. Karakteristik biodiesel yang terbaik dari penelitian ini di dapatkan dari proses adsorbsi selama 2 jam dengan titik nyala 162°C, angka asam 2,288 mg KOH/gram, massa jenis 830 kg/m³ dan viskositas 6,76 cSt.</p> <p>Keywords: Biodiesel, adsorbsi, arang aktif, penggunaan minyak goreng</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JURNAL TEKNOSAINS KODEPENA